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English Stars in a flipped classroom

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English Stars in a flipped classroom

English Stars 1/3/21


English Stars gives you the flexibility to deliver learning in a variety of pedagogically-sound ways. 
 One of these ways is a ‘flipped classroom’ model, which English Stars teaching resources have made much easier to implement.

What is a flipped classroom?

While definitions vary, essentially a flipped classroom is a pedagogical model where students are introduced to a concept before coming to class – usually in the form of a video. This frees up class time for more in-depth discussion, more opportunities to consolidate understanding with activities, and more time for one-on-one support.

How can this approach work with English Stars?

Most English Stars modules feature a video that ‘unpacks’ the concept in an engaging, easy-to-understand way. Before the lesson, give students a head start by having them watch the video at home. You might also want to give your students a few thought provoking questions to think about for a class discussion. At the start of the lesson, use this discussion to check students’ basic understanding before getting straight to the heart of the teaching. Students can then move on to the activities to consolidate their knowledge. Don’t forget to use the Activity Tracker to help you identify which students would benefit from additional support.

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