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iMaths offers many differentiation options so you can cater for a range of abilities within your class and engage all of your students in effective learning experiences.
Mistakes in maths are common, but many students worry about making them and feel a sense of failure when their work is marked incorrect.
Mistakes need to be recognised for what they are: opportunities for learning and self-growth.…
iMaths offers a variety of ways to challenge your maths masterminds. So next time a student says ‘I’m finished! What now?’, set them off on one of these ready-made tasks.
Picture this. You’ve just finished an explicit teaching session on improper fractions and have set the class activities to consolidate their learning. While most students are only up to Question 3, there’s one who declares, ‘I’ve finished! What now?’
Thomas Edison once said:
Maths homework is an effective way to improve student performance but it has to be both relevant and engaging. Keeping it on the ‘engaging’ side of the equation usually provides the biggest challenge.
iMaths Online includes a set of Differentiation Tasks for every Topic. Typically, each set has a support, consolidation and extension task. Here’s just some of the ways you can use the Differentiation Tasks to enhance your maths lessons.
Composite class teachers know the key to teaching their classes successfully is to apply a variety of strategies. Here are some tips and suggestions from iMaths teachers that you may find useful for your own composite class.
Find out how to use iMaths Differentiation Tasks in your classroom.