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English Stars
Solar Flair is the built-in reward system that tracks the activity points, achievement badges and teacher awards students collect as they progress through English Stars modules.
Think Mentals
We’re zooming towards the end of the school year, and assessment is at the forefront of your mind (along with the occasional daydream about the upcoming festive season!).
Sound Waves Literacy
Do you have students in your class who excel at spelling? You’ve no doubt discovered the Extension Words available for every Sound Waves Literacy unit, but how many different ways do you use them? Here are a few ideas to…
A popular debate about modern classroom practices is whether students should work online or offline. While these formats are often pitched against each other, our experience suggests a balance of both produces the best educational outcomes.
Comprehension is an essential element of any English program, but no two students have the same reading or learning abilities.
Find out how to monitor student progress in English Stars.
Mental computation – what’s it all about? Well, it involves using strategies to quickly and efficiently tackle maths problems in your head. While learning new strategies is crucial for computation success, it’s equally important to give students ample opportunities to…
Inject some fun into your weekly spelling lessons with some of our favourite Sound Waves games. Whether used as a warm up or a fun way to wrap up the week, students will relish the chance to apply their spelling…
Use this teaching video to help your students learn about the Think Mentals strategy – ‘Friendly Balance’. This is just one of hundreds of videos available in Think Mentals Digital Classroom!